Friday, January 22, 2016

Well, here I am! I have visited dealers and think I should be able to get a used Harley for my trip. I will find out soon and hope to get going next week. Meanwhile I have a car (yuk) and am staying at a campground not far from Melbourne.


  1. Hi Ron!
    This is Ying! Enjoy your journey! Cant wait to see more pictures!!!

    1. Hi Ying, I am once again humbled by the caliber of people that I spent my working days with! Thank you - saw your blog & discovered that you are evolving quite well!! Me, I am now a wanderer & troubadour; this I my next life & I am glad you found one, too. Go to YouTube and search "Remembering Amanda"; this is the music I write now.


  2. J'ai écouté "remembering Amanda".
    Très joli, un peu triste, mais joli.

    Après ton trip en Australie, tu devrais pouvoir écrire des paroles plus joyeuses.

