Friday, June 10, 2016

Going home! Australia will soon be a memory, a fine one at that.

Scott McConnell & Victory Melbourne were great! Gave me the quoted price back with no hassles. Sure was good to know when I started that I wouldn't have to worry about having an expensive motorcycle I had to find a buyer for & that's precisely how that happened. The Victory CCT was flawless in its performance, took me everywhere I wanted to go and not a hint of mechanical trouble. However, I am looking forward to getting re-aquainted with my Harleys!

Thanks to everyone's interest in my travels; it made it even more fun! So now on to a couple weeks in Montreal & Quebec, followed by the amazing Burning Man! If a couple months of Outback in the summer wasn't enough to prepare me for that, nothing could.

After that, spring of 2017 will be the EU trip, starting in France in late April. I may be starting another blog, but the web address will be the same, so check back in then.
Meanwhile, don't just wonder what the world looks like, go see!!


  1. Indeed it was. Wrote a couple more songs out here. I didn't get to add the mantra about "if you want stuff to happen, you have to make it happen" - there's no better proof than this trip. As I was getting ready for it in January, even I thought "Wow, this is going to be hard!" To paraphrase an old one, "No plan, no gain".

  2. Everything has to come to an end. But you had fun and have good memories.
    We are waiting for you in France!

  3. waooo, I believe you ride a different motorbike since mine get me tired after 100 miles. Best luck, almost done
